From Mallorca to Ibiza/Formentera

We got up at 7 and we both slept well. Olaf bought a warm baguette and then Ludger Peters from the Lagoon 380 "Green Duck" visited us. He recently bought his boat in Italy and is now on the way to Wismar. He will stay in Real Club Nautica tonight and then follow the same route. So after a chat we left at 8.30 and motored away because the wind was zero. I did a safety briefing with Olaf and we adjusted one life vest for him. around noon the wind picked up and now was coming more from the port side and so we set sail but we kept one engine running because we needed speed if we wanted to arrive in daylight in Formentera.

From the current wind and swell direction i picked Cala Sahona as a possible anchorage. 4-6m deep and sand well protected against southerly wind and swell. We agreed that we will decide in the evening if we anchor or directly sail through the night. Currently Olaf is having a nap and so lets see how our mood is later.

The last butane bottle has been put in action now and so we need to find one as a spare even though the current one should easily last 2-3 weeks at least. The sun is shining and the temperature is 26 degrees and water 21 Celcius. COLD at least compared to the caribbean sea :-)

I checked the GRIB wind data this morning and the beginning of the next week a front will pass us bringing stronger winds from the atlantic into the med. This means it might be a bit more unpleasant with waves and wind coming from front. So i want to reach as close to Gibraltar as possible until the front comes so that we can use the backside to sail into the atlantic if possible.

Lets see!

Michael, over SSB HF radio, so pictures will follow.


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