
Showing posts from August 8, 2009

What about beaches?

Do we also go to beaches? Of course we do even though swimming from the boat is nicer and the beaches are very crowded during holidays. You want proof? check this evidence pictures:

How do we cook on the boat?

How do we cook? This question i got quite often. We have a 3 flame gas cooker on board with 2 camping gaz bottles. They are well known and used in Europe but it might be tricky to get them abroad. They use 30mb pressure and butane gas. I have all kind of adapters on board and we might have to switch to 50mbar and/or propane, which is not a bigger problem. 1st of August a new bottle was started and now we are tracking how long it will last. Before crossing the atlantic i will buy a third one as a spare just in case it takes to long to get one of them filled. The size of the gas container box is very odd, so you can not simply put it a normal butane bottle like they are used for camping. and you can not just put the gas inside the boat since it is heavier than air and would accumulate in the lower part of the boat and then might lead to an explosion. But gas is great for cooking and i prefer it over electricity at least hundred times :-)

Sometimes good news turns into bad ones

The new Outback Flexmax60 solar charge controller does not fully harmonize with the 3 solar panels in serial. The output voltage sometime peaks to more than 145V and then the Outback switches off. So i might have to rewire it to have 2 panels serial and the other one parallel to them. But this means brining two more cables into the boat :-(