
Showing posts from November 18, 2009

While we are on the Atlantic - Waehrend wir unterwegs sind

german part below - Deutscher Text darunter You can check how the Rallye is doing on: And how we are doing at: So from SUNDAY the 22nd November onwards you might check this. Waehrend wir unterwegs sind, kann man den Rallyeverlauf hier verfolgen: Und unsere Route unter: Ab Sonntag nachmittag geht es los und wir werden jeden Tag zwischen 12:00 und 14.00 die Position senden, so dass ab dem nachmittag diese dann aktuell sein duerfte.


Tonight is the costume party and some strange creatures were walking by. Tomorrow is the Lagoon cocktail party and Friday the farewell dinner. PHEEWWWW. Social stress :-) We skip this one tonight!

Smell check

The parcel received with the new lids. Thanks to Andi, Tanja and Kirsten for sending it! I installed one and it stopped to smell ugly in the boat. GREAT. Also thanks for Lagoon and Siggi Straub for sending them for free! The new ones are softer but still more stable. So they are less likely to crack like the one one to the lift on the above picture.


After safetycheck today there was a rig check done by "Jerry the Rigger". He checked really everything and was happy with our boat. He said that it was one of the view without any issue. Nice to hear. He just gave us the hint to tape of all the safetyrings that hold the cables to the stanchions. This i have done today. Thomas from Istec checked the Parasailor and i did the position report check for the boat. Tomorrow there will be one last hose replaced at the engine and then the engine check.