
Showing posts from August 22, 2009

Daily routine?

Hi, some people asked me what the daily routine is looking like. Today for example we got up at 8 (after a good 9 hours sleep) and i walked to the bakery to get some breadrolls. Then we had breakfast for about an hour. Afterwards i used the bicycle to try to find some CAT5 network cable to rewire the Battery meter on Linocat but was unsuccesful. I saw a HUUUGE sign which says "Super" from a distance but when reaching there it was a Super-Mini-Golf. GREAT :-( The i inflated the tyres a bit more (to 5bar) on the bike and went to a chandlery to get new line to replace the line of a fender which has been worn out. Back on the boat i replaced the line and then installed and repaired our Canon iP90 Colorjet Printer. This is a very small but neat printer and it did not pull the paper in. A small plastic part was dislocated and so i moved it back into place. Then downloading the drivers from the internet and installing them to print out the shuttle transfer and flight vouchers for ou...

Using a Spinaker

The Spinaker is a sail that you use when the wind comes from behind. It is usually bigger than the normal sail area. Usually we our normal sails we have 79square meters and with the spinaker we have 105 square meters. It a very comfortable cruise and since you are then going with the wind which comes from behind you have almost no apparent wind on the boat. For example the wind comes with 8knots from behind and you drive 7knots, then you only have around 1knot of wind that you feel on the boat. So it is a smooth ride and usually also quite fast. Our sail is called a Parasailor from the german company ISTEC. Its not cheap but with the opening it is very robust and can vent the pressure also through the opening. The comapny says that due to the wing in the opening the sail would also create some uplift force but i could never feel this. But it is a great sail which we also used for our Biscaya crossing 2 years ago. We had it up for almost 3days and nights in a row.