Tortola to St. John and St. James

The flies here are annoying. They are on most islands but the good thing is that they do not hurt.

Here is my "killing" of 30 minutes.

In St James at the anchorage the water is crystal clear. Medianoche and Xanthus are both moored here and Ralf saw a big eagle ray this morning.

When jumping into the dinghy i saw this huge Barracuda directly under the boat.

It is a marina park otherwise catching him would have beend tempting :-)

We went with 2 dignhies over to St Thomas to the supermarket and this is a 2 mile ride over an island channel.

But our dinghy and the 15HP Yamaha 2stroke did a good job. When taking a shortcut in the lagoon Ralf and myself managed to hit ground but could free ourselves.

In the marina there i saw this sign :-)

I have never seen so many motor catamarans for charter than here in the USVI and BVI. Maybe due to the short distances many people motor anyway.

We often just pull out the genoa for the short distances....

Ralf joined us for a sundowner and dinner and brought ice cold Becks :-)


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