St Maarten Simson Lagoon

Like with Sint Maarten itself even for the lagoon i found different writings like Simpson or Simson.
The anchorage is well protected and you enter through a draw bridge like in the Netherlands.
But even though it is dutch, the most dominant curreny is the US Dollar and voltage is often 110V.
Also all signs etc are english and not dutch. Since in the middle of the lagoon there is the border to the french part calles Saint Martin i am curious how things are over there.
So Linocat will drive THROUGH the island and cross countries. Funny!

During the day a few big plans leave from the Airport and fly directly over our anchorage. Since i like planes and they are not flying at night this is not a problem. The Boing 747-400 is from KLM and serves Amsterdam and Curacao from here.

Most of the traffic is done by small 2 engine planes like the Twinotter. Since the sunset is behind the airport i might try some other pictures later.


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