
After our unsuccesful visit to Piegeon island we continued to Deshaies and arrived there around 1600. Mayn boats were anchored here because they either arrive from Antigua or Montserrat or they jump to these islands from here (like LinoCat).

There is a "SPAR" supermarket here in town in walking distance and around 50m up a small river behind the fishing harbour you can also exit the dinghy easily and leave it there.

The water of the river (called Deshaies) is not very clear and so the water of the aby is also not the nicest. When diving for our anchor i could not see it at all even though it is only 6 m deep!

It was raining cats and dogs since we arrived even through the night. This morning the sun came out and my first duty was to swim over to another catamaran with 3 older people on board and help them to get the anchor up manually. They had brough out two anchors and the chains were one over the other.
After that we had breakfast and if the weather continues to be OK we might visit the botanical garden here, which should be a 1.5km walk.

In the picture you see the sun but also the rainclouds in the mountains! Let´s see which kind of weather wins today!

Tomorrow morning we want to leave for Antigua.


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