Antigua to St Barth

I got up at 3.45 and lifted anchor at 4 in the morning. Under radar i made my way through the anchoring yachts. It always amazes me that even in times of LED bulbs some folks still do not use their anchor lights at all during the night. Since the moon was already gone it was pitch dark and i used radar and a search light to find my way out.
A few miles away i passed a buoy which was unlit but i could clearly see it on the radar and it reflected my searchlight even though it was still 0.3 miles away.

There was almost no wind and the first 2 hours i just motored with one engine at 2200 rpm doing 5.4 knots. Then i pulled out the genoa in addition and now it is around 5.6 knots.
The total distance is around 75 miles and du to the low wind forecast we decided to leave so early because St Barth is tricky to approach at night.

Talking about St Barth, the name is actually St Barthelemy but that seems to be to long for everyone. It is not as high as some of the other islands because it is an old island and has been heavily eroded over the years. This also leads to dry weather and in the past it has been a pirates nest for quite a while.

1784 the french gave the island to Sweden in exchange to use the port of Gothenburg. 1878 the Swedes sold it back to France and it is still french today but it is still a free port and a little bit special.

Let´s see how the english skills are compared to Guadeloupe and Martinique :-)

Still 50NM to go and i sent this via Pactor and the HF radio.


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