St Lucia to Martinique

Yes, it is rain on the picture. It rained heavily a few times during the night and day. WHat a relief for St Lucia! The same happened also in Martinique. Lets hope that the water problems will be solved by the rains.

We started the crossing at around 1200 and the wind was OK and the sea state moderate. I was sleeping when Chris saw a whale just dissapearing right in front of our bows. The whale was then showing up once more behind LinoCat before it dissapeared.

We arrived in Martinique at 15.00 but we had to wait until 1630 before a berth was assigned to us. So LinoCat is now back in a harbor since a long time. Martinique is as unfriendly as always and as expensive as always and we are looking forward to set sail again tomorrow. What we really love here is the water pressure to fill up the second tank and to rinse down the boat. (If it is just permitted)


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