A Tuesday afternoon

After the midday siesta we went to Gingerbread for a coffee.

Lani and Chris had fun during the Dinghy ride. With 4 people we were really slow.

We had banana and other cakes, Cappucino and Latte and then a nice walk through the village. Mathias and myself chatted with an ex mate on an Oil tanker while the girls went shopping :-)

Also we got new fishing lures for higher speed. They are also supposed to swim deeper. The brand is Yozuri which we used succesful already before but we lost all of them during the atlantic crossing.

On the way back we stopped at "Bagalut" with Walter and Brigitte and they gave us a warm welcome like always with drinks and snacks and so we sat there together with Ralf until the sun was down.

Now we will chill on the boat and let´s see if we go to the live music at Jacks beach bar later...


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