LinoCat 091209 2307 LinoCat crossed the finish line

At 23:07 on the 9th of december we crossed the finish line under sail with 8 knots.
We are happy since we arrived safe and as one of the smallest catamarans and also boats in general (startnumber 213) we are happy with our position.
People here keep telling us that in the beginning they were amazed by our performance but the wind did not keep his promise on our south course. We were one of the boats that went south early and had a good run for a few days. But then the south track is more than 200 miles longer and even the north track had very very good winds and so they overtook us.

Anyway, we just had our rum punch, a nice fruit basket and welcome kit for St Lucia and we stopped by on the Esperumeru for a drink.

Now it is time to go to bed :-)

Here in german: WIR SIND WOHLBEHALTEN ANGEKOMMEN. 23.07Uhr am 9.12.09


congratulations.....enjoy the "winter"
caw rock said…
This is a "Well done!" from Scotland!

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