Still anchoring in Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera, Canary islands

You feel a little bit like a hippie anchoring here. There is no real urge to move forward or do anything specific.
You enjoy the sun, swim, dozing in the shade, sun bathing, eating and drinking. Playing cards in the evening and go to bed early.
So why move on? Anyway we started to think about either San Sebastian or go back to Tenerife to the other side of the island maybe.
my parents stay almost another week so there is still plenty of time left. Today i snorkeled to the beach and where it is rocky there are some fishes. I was in the middle of some sardines and they enjoyed swimming around me. I was wondering if these were hippie sardines searching for something to smoke near the beach. There is a kind of finca like farm which once was an Osho ashram, so we almost felt like back in Pune.
The solarpanels have already generated 120Ah of power and we used that to poduce around 100liter of freshwater and to recharge the batteries. Yesterday we went to a restaurant called Trasmallo and had a Tuna steak from the grill with red and green Mojo sauce and potatoes canary style. I will go for another swim now and enjoy the sun and the 30 degrees Celcius we have today since my 2hour afternoon nap is just over :-)


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