San Sebastian

first of all, we are NOT in the Sahara Desert, as our position report was showing it. I just mistyped "17" with "11" in the position report before transmitting it. In San Sebastian we met Vicky and Olous again from the "Atmosphere". They are cruising with 2 kids 3 and 5 year old and are now heading for Gambia in Africa. We also met Liz and John from the "Jalan-Jalan" again. After Dinner we all met for some beer and wine and we ended up sitting until midnight even though we had planned to leave early the next morning.
We woke up at 8 and bought fresh bread rolls and then we left and had a nice sail to the south of Teneriffe. We even caught a gold makerel again !YESSSSS! But again we thought the fish was to small and set it free again.

It got rougher at the south and the last 2 hours we had to motor against wind and waves and now we are secured along a big sailinboat in the marina. Well at least that it secure and not bumpy!
Tomorrow Andi, Anja, Nina and Alisa will leave us :-(


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