Since yesterday we have finally managed to have the cable for the LED Tricolor masthead ligh IN the proper cable canal i had to rewire the light at the lower mastend inside the boat.
When i tested all cables in the mast for function later i also tested the steaming light which i have coupled with the lower navigational lights. The twocolor light at the bow of the boat was dead.
So this morning i was checking everything starting from the switches etc. Of course i had thought of the bulb also but if you messed around with all the cables you think that it is more likely that you disconnected one of the cables.
It really WAS the bulb and around noon all was up an running.
In the afernoon i was winched up the mast and so you see the tricolor/anchor light combination. To the right the black thing is the meter for the windspeed and direction and you also see our VHF antenna for the marine radio. I had to replace one of the locknuts since one of the workers dropped one yesterday. I was angry that they put NONE of the washers below the locknuts. and also they reused the locknuts which you should not do if possible.
Then i got a refill of one of our gastanks, changed one LED bulb, put the woodedn compartment back around the fridge compressor, pulled a full fledged halyard in as a replacement for the topping lift. So if the main halyard fails i have another rope to go up the mast or which can immediatly used as a main halyard. We have a spare in place now.
The engines are both ready to go, so the to do list was shortened today instead of getting longer. What a nice feeling!