Good morning

Yesterday i dove and checked the propeller. Looks like whatever we caught has gone and the motor sounded as usual. The left engine vibrates a little bit more since the beginning anyway. This was good news because entering the marina tonight with only one engine in wind would have been unpleasant.
The water here in the middle of the atlantic is much warmer than in Portugal. My computer showed 25 Celcius.

A fish bit on the lure at the fishing rod yesterday and this morning but spit it out again and the hooks did not catch. The stars tonight were stunning. We could see the milkyway and the seawater was sparkling also. It is a bioluminiscence (spelling??) that occurs and it looks great in breaking waves and also the propeller wash. We had a trail of sparkling green behind us.

The sea is smooth now with waves of around 1m but its a pleasant long swell. Around 100 nautical miles to go and so we will reach Madeira tonight.


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