Example of good customer service

The part that has failed was identified as i reported in the last entry "Little problem". It was a load splitter from a swiss company called studer. The symptoms were that only one engine was loading the batteries. After talking to a technician in Switzerland he told me that with the tests he would agree that there unit was faulty. I asked him if they could send me a new one but they usually do not deliver to end customers.
Since it was a factory installed equipment and i was stuck in Portugal he agreed to send me a new part directly to the marina.
They would send it after they received my payment. Due to the fact that Switzerland is not part of the Euro payment agreement for fast transaction i could not do an express transfer but a normal SEPA transfer.
Nevertheless, they directy sent the part without waiting for the payment. That is what i call a nice example of good customer service. They als emailed me the tracking number from TNT.
03 Sep 2009 08:11:58 Lisbon Shipment Received At Destination Depot.
03 Sep 2009 00:29:47 Liege Euro Hub Shipment In Transit.
03 Sep 2009 00:15:07 Liege Euro Hub Shipment Received At Transit Point.
02 Sep 2009 21:05:00 Geneva Shipment In Transit.
02 Sep 2009 20:19:55 Geneva Shipment In Transit.
02 Sep 2009 20:11:46 Geneva Shipment Received At Origin Depot.
02 Sep 2009 16:42:31 Geneva Shipment Collected From Sender.

So it is now in Lisbon and i have a good chance of getting it today or tomorrow.


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