en route to Lanzarote

After a nice sunrise we were wondering what strange objects were floating in the water. After one floating by closely we saw it disappearing and so we new that it was an animal. Well, maybe a Scubadiver 100miles off shore? :-)
It was a sea turtle. We saw several swimming by and slowed down to show it to Lani. She even poked her head out and was looking at us. It was a nice experience and Lani said "Turtle" since she only knows the english word for it. Breakfast was outside with the very tasty breadrolls from the marina Quinta do Lorde. The breadrolls which are baked in the local bar are fabolous but with 80cent also not too cheap. But to be fair, they are substantially bigger than the usual ones from the supermarket and still warm when you pick them up.
They open at 9 so they are nice for those who get up late!
We are still motoring with 6knots now and around 2500rpm. We should arrive in Lanzarote at the south tip of the island tomorrow evening. But we still hope for some wind. The GRIB chart (mathematical wind model) predicts almost zero wind but closer to the canaries i hope for local winds from the mountains.
We did not catch any fish so far but i am still hoping for a nice filet or sushi for dinner!
The attachment of files should now work. I had to specifically enable it in Airmail and a small picture then takes around 20Min for transmitting it.


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