What next?

After having been in Portimao a few days (4 to be precise) . Yesterday evening Liz and John from Scotland had a drink on our boat and we were chatting until 23.30. They also have a blog for their trip. The boat is called Jalan-Jalan and their webadress is: http://www.jalan-jalan.org.uk
Linocat is now on the way to Alvor. Alvor is very close to Portimao just that it used to be a small fishing village and there is no marina.
So you have to anchor there and use the dhingy (the inflatable boat) to reach the village.
Lets hope that the anchorage is not to crowded.
I do not know if we will have internet or mobile phone connectivity.

Today the wind is almost gone and we are currently drifting at 0,5knots. The sails are down and we might go for a swim. The water is dark blue and 25 Celcius and air temperature is around 30.
Weatherforecast is the same for tomorrow so there will be not much of sailing but rather sunbathing, chilling and eating. Well, we are extremly good at that!

The watermaker is running since we are outside the harbour and producing around 28 liter of freshwater per hour. I have updated our positionreport via HF radio and listened to some russian amateur radio stations.
To qoute one of Lanis favourite books: "The pond is cool and quiet" :-)


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