Solar Panel and Controller added
This is a Kyocera 210Wp solar panel. It is now mounted on the davits of Linocat. Currently the mount is build in away that it is not adjustable. Also after havin this panel now for one year and due to experience from Rudolf and Gabriele on the Lagoon "Sunways" we decided to go for another 2 :-) But lets look at the installation now. The thick bar that connects the davits is an add on from there the solar panel is mounted. The cables are then running into the davit itself. By the way since they are open there IS acutally water inside them sicne there is no hole at the bottom to let it out again. To the left the davits are bolted to the boat. Right in the middle of this 4 screws we drileld a hole and routed the cable through after the water came out. This Votronic 225MPP solar regulator was then connected. BEFORE that please make sure to cover the solar panels so that no pwer is produced. Without a load the voltage can shoot up and you might hurt yourself or destroy things. The...